—- datatemplateentry project —- template : templates:project # Kurzer Name des Projekts name : Kameraslider
# Bilddateiname relativ zum Ordner projekte: # Wenn (noch) kein Bild vorhanden, bitte none.png lassen imgname_img90 : projekte:kameraschlitten:Bild_1.jpg
# Links zu Seiten der Mitglieder, die am Projekt beteiligt sind, also intern:mitglieder:hubert (mehrere mit Komma getrennt) person_pages : intern:mitglieder:markus
# Start- und Enddatum im Format JJJJ-MM-TT start_dt : 2015-12-15 end_dt : 2016-03-01
# Aktueller Status des Projekts, z.B. fertig, in Arbeit, eingestellt, Idee, … status_ : fertig
Bei diesem Projekt handelt es sich um einen Kameraslider zur Montage einer Kamera (Spiegelreflex, Kompaktkamera, GoPro/Actioncams,…) um eindrucksvolle Zeitraffervideos zu erstellen.
Der Schlitten läuft auf zwei parallel gelegten Edelstahl Stangen welcher über einen GT2 Zahnriemen mit einem Schrittmotor angetrieben wird. Die Steuerung erfolgt auf einem Raspberry Pi auf dem ein Skript mit freier Eingabe der Variablen (Belichtungszeit der Kamera, Schrittzahl bis zum nächsten Foto, Geschwindigkeit und Richtung) läuft.
Das Python-Skript frägt am Anfang die benötigten Informationen wie oben genannt ab. Danach kommt die Initialisierung, damit der Schlitten an das Ende der Schiene fährt. Es folgt das Abfahren der Positionen bis zum anderen Ende der Schiene. Des weiteren sind Funktionen wie das automatische wegfahren des Schlittens vom Endanschlag und Schalterentprellung mittels Software im Skript integriert.
####################################################### ## Script by Markus Buecher ## GPIO Pins for Raspberry Pi B+ and 2B ####################################################### #This script is written to use an A4988 Stepper Driver like an Pololu, a Stepper Motor, #2 Endswitches and to trigger an Relayboard to trigger a camera with its remote connector. #Please pay attention while connecting your camera to the remote connector. This could cause #damage to your camera. Use this script at your own risk!! Have fun from __future__ import division import time import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #Deactivate warnings GPIO.setwarnings(False) #Configure the GPIO-Pins to Input and Output: #GPIO Number = Pin-Number at Board GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) #Variables zeit=int(raw_input("Exposure time: ")) dire=int(raw_input("Direction(right=1, left = 0): ")) numStep=int(raw_input("Steps: ")) sps=int(raw_input("Steps per Second: ")) tick= 1 / sps a=15 b=16 #Input GPIO.setup(15, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP) #Switch right GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP) #Switch left #Output #Output for Stepper GPIO.setup(35, GPIO.OUT) #DIR GPIO.setup(36, GPIO.OUT) #STEP #Output Trigger GPIO.setup(29, GPIO.OUT) #Trigger stopFlag = False def initStep(): counter = 0 print("Initialising...") global stopFlag while not stopFlag: GPIO.output(36, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(tick) GPIO.output(36, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(tick) def initStop(a): ctr = 0 global stopFlag stopFlag = True print("Stop") while (dire == 1 and ctr < 200): GPIO.output(35, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(36, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(tick) GPIO.output(36, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(tick) ctr = ctr + 1 while (dire == 0 and ctr < 200): GPIO.output(35, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(36, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(tick) GPIO.output(36, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(tick) ctr = ctr + 1 def normalStop(b): ctr = 0 global stopFlag stopFlag = True print("Finished!") while (dire == 1 and ctr < 200): GPIO.output(35, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(36, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(tick) GPIO.output(36, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(tick) ctr = ctr + 1 while (dire == 0 and ctr < 200): GPIO.output(35, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(36, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(tick) GPIO.output(36, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(tick) ctr = ctr + 1 if (ctr == 200): exit() def trigger(): print(" ") print("Taking Photo!") print(" ") time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(29, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(zeit) GPIO.output(29, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(0.5) def step(numStep): print("Continue") counter = 0 while (counter < numStep): GPIO.output(36, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(tick) GPIO.output(36, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(tick) counter = counter + 1 if counter % 100 == 0: print(counter) def right(): GPIO.output(35, GPIO.HIGH) def left(): GPIO.output(35, GPIO.LOW) def switch(m): GPIO.add_event_detect(15, GPIO.FALLING, bouncetime = 500) GPIO.add_event_detect(16, GPIO.FALLING, bouncetime = 500) if (m == 1): GPIO.add_event_callback(15, initStop) GPIO.add_event_callback(16, initStop) elif (m == 0): GPIO.add_event_callback(15, normalStop) GPIO.add_event_callback(16, normalStop) def init(): if (dire == 1): switch(1) left() initStep() elif (dire == 0): switch(1) right() initStep() def rightMainLoop(): right() step(numStep) trigger() def leftMainLoop(): left() step(numStep) trigger() init() time.sleep(3) raw_input("Finished initializing. Press any Button to continue...") print ("Wait!") while (dire == 1): GPIO.remove_event_detect(15) GPIO.remove_event_detect(16) switch(0) rightMainLoop() while (dire == 0): GPIO.remove_event_detect(15) GPIO.remove_event_detect(16) switch(0) leftMainLoop()
/* SLIDER_NO_UI.ino created by Markus Buecher markus@lug-saar.de Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, ideas, critics or improvements. RELEASE NOTES Please note that this Version doesn't contain an user interface (UI). You have to enter all values manually in the Parameter / Varaible section in the head of this program. Feel free to copy this and build your own camslider. **Version 1.0** First release of the Arduino Program for Camslider. ***WORKING:*** -Initialisation -Move from point to point -Auto Reset after reaching the other end of line ***NOT WORKING / NOT IMPLEMENTED*** -RUNTIME (means to set a time which gives the duration of the real time duration of a timelapse for example) --> does not automatically calculate the amount of Move Step and Exposure Time -Cameracontrol -lots of more ideas */ //Pinout const int END_STOP_LEFT = 5; //Left Endstop const int END_STOP_RIGHT = 6; //Right Endstop const int STEP_SIGNAL = 3; //Step Signal for Pololu --> STEP const int DIRECTION_SIGNAL = 4; //Direction Signal for Pololu --> DIR const int LED_INDICATOR = 2; //LED-Pin for Status Signal //Global Variables int STATE = 0; //0 = Slider somewhere -> Initialisation; 1 = Initialisation completed, jump from point to point; 2 = Go home again; 3 = Waiting for reset int RUNTIME = 1000; //RUNTIME in seconds 60s = 1m; 120s = 2m; 600s = 10m; 3600s = 1h; 7200 = 2h. Entered values will be calculated into MoveTime and ExposureTime int long STEP_COUNTER = 0; //Counts the amounts of Step-Signals from the Arduino to the Driver int MOVE_STEP_FROM_SWITCH = 200; //defines the amount of steps, the cartridge moves back from a collision with the endswitch int MOVE_STEP = 1200; //number of Steps made between each photo int EXPOSURE_TIME = 1; //Exposuretime int FREQUENCY = 3000; //Set frequency for Step Signal (Steps per Second) void setup() { //set pinModes to In- or Output pinMode(END_STOP_LEFT, INPUT); pinMode(END_STOP_RIGHT, INPUT); pinMode(LED_INDICATOR, OUTPUT); pinMode(STEP_SIGNAL, OUTPUT); pinMode(DIRECTION_SIGNAL, OUTPUT); } void step() { //this function is generating the Logic HIGH to LOW Signal for Stepper Driver digitalWrite(STEP_SIGNAL, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(1000000/(FREQUENCY)); digitalWrite(STEP_SIGNAL, LOW); delayMicroseconds(1000000/(FREQUENCY)); ++STEP_COUNTER; } void loop() { //Main Loop switch (STATE) { //Switch/Case Statement in the loop function. The State to the number can be found above in the description of STATE Variable case 0: //Initialisation while (digitalRead(END_STOP_RIGHT) == LOW) { digitalWrite(DIRECTION_SIGNAL, LOW); step(); if (digitalRead(END_STOP_RIGHT) == HIGH) { digitalWrite(DIRECTION_SIGNAL, HIGH); STEP_COUNTER = 0; while (STEP_COUNTER <= MOVE_STEP_FROM_SWITCH) { step(); } STATE = 1; } break; } break; case 1: //Take Photos with specified delay, stepwidth and exposuretime delay(1000*(EXPOSURE_TIME)); while (1) { digitalWrite(DIRECTION_SIGNAL, HIGH); STEP_COUNTER = 0; while (STEP_COUNTER <= MOVE_STEP) { if (digitalRead(END_STOP_LEFT) == HIGH) { STATE = 2; break; } else step(); } break; } case 2: //Move back to home (2nd Initialisation) while (digitalRead(END_STOP_RIGHT) == LOW) { digitalWrite(DIRECTION_SIGNAL, LOW); step(); if (digitalRead(END_STOP_RIGHT) == HIGH) { digitalWrite(DIRECTION_SIGNAL, HIGH); STEP_COUNTER = 0; while (STEP_COUNTER <= MOVE_STEP_FROM_SWITCH) { step(); } STATE = 3; } break; } break; case 3: //Indicates with a LED that the Slider is ready with taking photos while(1) { digitalWrite(LED_INDICATOR = HIGH); delay(200); digitalWrite(LED_INDICATOR = LOW); delay(200); } break; } }